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AEC Kids
Children are a blessing from the Lord and here at AEC, we desire to see them grow up in a positive, God-honoring environment. We want to point kids towards Jesus so that when they grow older they will not be lost... Proverbs 22:6
AEC Kids is a high-energy, fun music, and engaging teaching for kids ages 4 year old through 5th grade. Children's Church is on Sundays during the service at 10:30, except on Communion Sunday, which is the first Sunday of each month. On Communion Sundays, the kids will go to class right after worship and communion.  If you're not sure about AEC Kids, please feel free to sit in on a Sunday and see what it's about.


NURSERY is available. Contact Pastor Neil if you're interested in serving in the Nursery.

AEC Youth (Grades 6-12)


Life is full of tough choices to make, obstacles to overcome, and lots of growing up to do, and tackling ALL of that by yourself is an impossible task.  But, through Jesus Christ we can do ALL things because of the strength the He gives to us on a daily basis.  Youth group is a place where we all meet together, talk about life, have a lot of fun, and learn about Jesus.  Whether you regularly go to church or not, youth group is for anyone.  Check it out sometime on a Wednesday night and come hangout with us. Tasty snacks, EPIC games, practical teaching, and meaningful relationships is what we are about, but more importantly we are ALL about learning and becoming more like Jesus Christ.


After May 22nd we'll take a break for summer. Stay tuned for scheduled events throughout the summer!

If you have any questions, please contact Bob & Kirsten Brown @ 460-780-0957.

(For those with an empty nest) 

At Absarokee Evangelical Church we have several ministries for adults: 

Keenagers typically meet immediately after church on the 2nd Sunday of each month, getting together for potluck and fun with an occasional special speaker.


Check the church calendar or website for the dates.  Don't miss it! 


Contact Marci Bretherick

@ 406-328-4514 for more information.

For information concerning our adult ministries please feel free to contact our office during the day at 328-4499.

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