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What's Up @ AEC

We are the Body of Christ & Need Each Other!



“But God demonstrates His own Love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)


*  Opportunities to Serve: LETS DREAM FOR THE LORD!  If the Lord is putting a Ministry on your heart, please talk to an Overseer.  We want to come along side you and support that dream through volunteers, finances, and Prayer. The church is currently in need of a Social Concerns Chairman.  Someone to help us with ideas on how to navigate & promote the Bible in todays culture and politics. 

If interested, please phone Marlys Raville @ 406.322.5655

Acts 2:17 says: “In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.”


Military Wall of Honor: We have an amazing Military Wall of Honor that displays pictures of veterans and active military guys & gals. For any additions, please contact Gail Harmon @ 406.328.6439. Thank you for helping us in this ministry.


* 10.10.10 Prayer: Join us in the Yellowstone room, each Sunday Morning at 10:10 for 10 minutes of prayer for the Worship Service.


* Bi-weekly Prayer: Join us in the Stillwater room every other Tuesday morning at 10:00 for a dedicated time of prayer. The next one will be July 11th. 


Sunday School Classes From 9am to 10am:

1st-2nd in the Limestone Room with Dawn Craft

3rd-5th in the Limestone Room with Diane Hamilton

6th-12th in the Mystic room with Roseanna Lohof

Adults in the Yellowstone room


Church Office Hours: Monday - Thursday we are open from 10:00am – 4:00pm.


However, call us any time if we can help you.

Pastor: Neil Hancock - (406) 231-6589

Ministry Assistant: Denise Cline - (406) 328-4499

Overseer Chairman: Marvin Schieldt - (406) 861-2929

Stewardship Board Chairman: Alan Buell - (406) 698-2012

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